Slot Canyons Near Monument Valley

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Slot Canyons Near Monument Valley Rating: 4,9/5 6732 reviews
Jul 26, 2017
By: Mo Edwards

Making decisions is hard, #amirite? There are so many choices in this modern world! “Should I diversify my IRA or bury it in the backyard?” Depends on your short-term goals. “Should I get a turtle or a dirtbike?” Could go either way. “Should I hike a slot canyon this year?” That one is simple: Yes!

  1. Located a relatively short distance from Antelope Canyon, this one is a bit smaller and visited far less often than Antelope Canyon, making a visit here even more special. You’ll love getting what feels like a personalized tour of the slot canyon, as well as watching the light filter through the top opening and changing throughout the day.
  2. Slot canyons are also located in the valley between U.S. Route 89 and the Vermilion Cliffs in Arizona and can be seen as one descends into the valley on U.S. 89, but these are on the Navajo reservation and are closed to the public.

Monument Valley is a 2.5 hour drive from Page, AZ. The roads to Monument Valley were flat, wide and easy to navigate. Forrest Gump Point. From Page, Arizona we drove past, yes past Monument Valley to go to Forrest Gump Point. Forrest Gump Point is about 30 minutes from Monument Valley and offers a great view of Monument Valley. Antelope Slot Canyon Tours by Chief Tsosie is located in Page Arizona, right next to the great Lake Powell, and in the center of the Grand Circle. Navajo owned and operated by Rosalind Tsosie, you’ll enjoy our personal tour of the breathless Antelope Canyon and other spectacular adventures! L-R, Joshua Kitchen, Nicole Reynolds in the slot canyon, Peek-A-Boo gulch, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah Feb. 15, 2014 Photo by Drew Allred, St.

Southern Utah has more tiny, narrow cracks than a shattered iPhone screen. Some are deep, some are wide, some are wet and some are dry, but none of them will shove tiny glass shards in your texting fingers.

Slot canyons are nice because you don’t have to make very many decisions in them. Carved by wind, water and dinosaur tears, slot canyons can be hundreds of feet deep and so narrow you have to cram yourself through sideways. (There’s one near Zion called Fat Man’s Misery.) Another benefit, among many, is that their unique shape and basic astrophysics means slot canyons are shady all but a few minutes a day, making them a pleasant respite from the relentless summer sun!

A word to the wise: Slot canyons can be as dangerous as they are beautiful, much like Kevin Bacon. Much like a giant, bloodthirsty sandworm, flash floods can sneak up on you quick. Rainwater collects from the non-absorbent plateau and drains into these canyons creating an instantaneous wall of water.


Flash flood warning signs:

  1. Sudden heavy rains
  2. Clear creek water begins to turn brown and muddy
  3. Debris such as twigs, leaves or needles appears in the water

Seek high ground immediately! Don’t worry about foot vibrations; just get out of there. Even climbing a few feet could save your life. Check the weather and talk to the appropriate park/BLM authority before you go. And finally, plan an alternative itinerary in case the weather turns against you. If you reeeally want to gamble with slots, go to Vegas. That’ll ruin you too, but more slowly.

Buckskin Gulch (Wire Pass Trailhead)

Slot Canyons Near Monument Valley Fair

  • Location: Along the Utah/Arizona border, near Kanab.
  • Distance: 3.5 miles
  • Best for: Families can totally do this slot.
  • Best time to go: Spring and fall are ideal, but you can hike here year-round.

The entirety of Buckskin Gulch canyon is one of the longest slots in the world. Or so proclaims the internet. And the internet is always… interesting? ...a spectrum of truth and falsehoods?

Buckskin Gulch

Really though, to hike the whole thing would take a few days, a precious permit and some technical gear. Sounds fun! Maybe not with the kids though. Try this: Buckskin Gulch via the Wire Pass trailhead. Wire Pass winds through a spectacularly striated little slot canyon to Buckskin Gulch. There are a few obstacles to toss the kids over (don’t toss the kids; that’s a joke, an internet falsehood, fake news), but nothing prohibitive and round trip it is only 3.5 miles! Do-able for a sturdy five-year-old. Look for petroglyphs at the junction of the two canyons. Bask in the real truthiness of it all.

Little Wild Horse

  • Location: South-central Utah near Goblin Valley
  • Distance: 8 miles for the full loop, but many just go as far as they like and turn back
  • Best for: Ideal for families, but fun for all
  • Best time to go: Spring and fall

This place is perfect for all the wobbly little foals in your life. A stone's throw from Goblin Valley — a Burning Man of strange and playful sandstone goblins — Little Wild Horse is a strange and playful sandstone canyon. Smaller in scale than, say, the Narrows, its dry, sandy wash is friendly to all abilities. The kids will naturally propel themselves along the twists and turns with nary an expletive from parents. The entire loop (up Little Wild Horse and down Bell Canyon) is about eight miles — a liiiittle too long for kids who aren’t a pre-Prefontaine, perhaps — but families can explore at their leisure until it’s time to return to the car for more fruit snacks (or kale, or spelt, or gluten-free chia pet seeds, or whatever kids eat these days). If they’re having too much fun galloping about and ignore your call to head back, tell them you’ll call the BLM about some little wild horses in Goblin Valley that need to be immunized. “The feds are coming! With the vacciiiiines!! RUUUUUNNNNNNNN!” Threats don’t work with kids but it doesn't hurt to try.

Spooky and Peekaboo

  • Location: On Hole-in-the-Rock Road, 26 miles south of the town of Escalante.
  • Distance: 3.5 miles
  • Best for: Claustrophiles (is that the opposite of claustrophobes?); robust children and adults unafraid of tight curves and a few drop-offs. Broad-chested, pregnant, or otherwise girthier people might want to skip this one as the paths are extremely narrow.
  • Best time to go: Year-round
Spooky and Peekaboo Slot Canyons

Have you ever wanted to be bear-hugged by the earth? A nice, firm, sandy squeeze that lingers so long it becomes awkward. “Earth!” you say, “I like you, but… I don’t like-like you.” “Oh,” Earth says, a little embarrassed. “I just thought… maybe you and I—” “No, Earth. No. Our kind cannot be together. We would destroy each other.”

If you’ve never had this conversation, dear reader, you’ve never been to Spooky Gulch. Located along Hole in the Rock Road in Escalante Canyons country, Spooky and Peek A Boo Slot Canyons make a great half-day adventure. Start at the bottom of naturally sculpted Peek A Boo and climb up, passing under a few arches and over a few potholes (usually dry). From the top, follow the cairns over slickrock and sand to the entrance of Spooky. Leave your backpack behind. Shed any unnecessary layers: “fun” hats, push-up bras, ironic mustaches, fanny packs, babies in baby carriers, the ticket to Tremors 7 in your front pocket... Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope and nope. Slide sideways through this narrowest of the earth’s crevices and ponder how a canyon can taper so. Kids love this part! Finally an activity they can accomplish more swiftly than adults. Send them to get help when you find yourself trapped hard in Earth’s awkward embrace.

Furniture Draw

  • Location: Along Buckhorn Wash Road in Emery County
  • Distance: 2.5 miles
  • Best for: Families or anyone looking for an easy hike
  • Best time to go: April to October

Sometimes you just need a calm, dependable slot canyon. No 10-inch-wide walls closing in on you, no frigid water to wade or swim through, no rappelling or scrambling or climbing. Like a nice hallway. Furniture Draw is the family-friendly slot canyon you’ve been searching for. Bring sunscreen.

Zion Narrows

  • Location: Zion National Park
  • Distance: Variable up to 16 miles
  • Best for: Anyone at least four feet tall can hike out-and-back hike from the bottom; at least some hiking experience and endurance are required to do the whole thing top-down.
  • Best time to go: Later spring and summer yield lower water levels in the river.
Zion Narrows

The Narrows in Zion National Park is the one slot canyon to rule them all. The grand dame of gorge-ous divisions. The Citizen Kane of sightly crevasses. The head honcho of heavenly chasms. The Patti Labelle of parted pathways. The Phil Collins of fault-less canyons. The Beyoncé of handsome breaches. In some places the walls rise 1,000 feet above you and the canyon narrows to 20 feet across. It’s almost as dramatic as the rise of Kevin Bacon (the Meryl Streep of actors).

There are a couple ways to go about the Narrows:

1. Start from the bottom at Temple of Sinawava and mosey upstream in the Virgin River. No, not along the river: IN the river. Bring (or rent from local outfitters) some great water shoes and a walking stick for stability on slippery rocks. Sometimes vintage walking sticks au naturel (aka discarded branches) can be found at the beginning of the hike. Continue up the river for two or three hours and arrive at Wall Street, the narrowest section of the canyon. Gawk. Go back from whence you came. Or amble on for a bit; the farther up the canyon you go, the fewer humans you’ll share it with.

2. This hike can also be a 16-mile multi-day trip from the top, granted you are lucky enough to win a permit and popular/rich enough to arrange a shuttle. It's worth a try!

Box Canyon Hiking Trail in Maple Canyon

  • Location: Near Fountain Green, Utah
  • Distance: 1.2 miles
  • Best for: Anyone who can handle some rock scrambling/basic bouldering
  • Best time to go: April to October

This out-and-back trail is short, but don’t think you’re getting off easy. It’s all boulders, all the time. You’ll be walking between boulders and towering rock walls, scrambling over boulders, even climbing between cracks in boulders that fell from the cliffs at some point in time. (Don’t think too hard about that, but don’t not think about it either. Falling rock is a risk here.) Boulders, boulders and more boulders.Kids can totally take this trail, but there is one spot where a generous previous hiker secured a rope to a 15-foot boulder that you will need to scale. Your options are to loosen up that protective instinct and let your offspring give it a try, or hit the gym starting now so you can lift them up to a trusty partner who has braved the rock first.At the end of the trail is a lovely waterfall that has yet more boulders and a rope to climb it, but climbing this spot isn’t recommended unless you come prepared with rock-climbing gear.Note that this trail is on private property, but the public currently has permission to scurry and scramble their way through. Check before you go to make sure that’s still true and also that there isn’t water in the canyon.

Zebra Canyon

  • Location: Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument
  • Distance: 5.3 miles out and back
  • Best for: Moderate to more experienced hikers
  • Best time to go: April to November
Zebra Canyon

Zebra Slot Canyon delivers exactly what it promises: some really cool zebra-ish stripes on its narrow walls that are sure to make you the coolest kid on Instagram. That is, if you’re tough enough to earn them. You’ll enjoy a roasty walk through the desert and Harris Wash to get to the slot canyon, which does not take too long to slither through. (And slithering is about what you should expect — at one point the canyon focuses down to a 10-inch gap. Suck it in!) There are watery spots as well, and while you may see people leaving their shoes at the entrance, you’d be better off hoisting your kicks aloft as you ford the chilly pits. There are places in the canyon that you might not be able to do barefoot. And then you won’t get those Instagram shots of the zebra stripes at the end. And then you’ll be sad. However, do leave your backpack at the entrance as there’s no room for that baby. If you really want to go for the gold, you can keep going through the zebra stripes to the dry fall on the other side where the canyon opens back up again, but this is no small feat and most people treat that trek as an out-and-back. But if you’re still feeling un-slot-isfied after Zebra Slot Canyon, you can head back to Harris Wash and continue on your merry way to nearby Tunnel Slot Canyon.

Willis Creek Slot Canyon

  • Location: Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument, near Cannonville
  • Distance: About 3 miles out and back
  • Best for: Everyone
  • Best time to go: April to October, but summer is very hot

Willis Creek is one of those unexpected, under-respected kinds of places. Nearby, flashier neighbors like Bryce Canyon and Kodachrome Basin State Park steal all the thunder. Because who can top colorful sandstone spires or golden arches shining in the sun? Willis Creek Slot Canyon, that’s who! Or maybe top isn’t the right word. Complement. Willis Creek Slot Canyon is the perfect complement to its fabulous canyon friends. With its trickling creek and gorgeous canyon walls, Willis Creek is the friend you almost forgot to invite but turns out to be the life of the party.

The trail starts out through brush and trees, then takes a turn down toward Willis Creek. After that, you’ll follow along with the creek the rest of the way. Your feet will get wet so plan accordingly. The canyon walls start off low and comfy but the farther you go, the more they close in on you until you’re snuggled in the earth’s warm clutches. (“No” means “no,” Earth!) The hike is fun for all and great for kids, who will enjoy skipping their way through the creek. Check conditions before you go. Rain can cancel the viability of not only the slot canyon but also Skutumpah Road by which you access it.

The Subway (Top-Down Route)

  • Location: Zion National Park
  • Distance: 9.5 miles
  • Best for: Experienced climbers
  • Best time to go: Later summer through early October
The Subway

Zion National Park is home to more than one slot canyon. While the Narrows may be the Preciousssss, the Subway is still a classic, like Breakfast at Tiffany’s or Casablanca or the first Star Wars (the original one, before George Lucas discovered CGI). But be aware that the Subway will kick your booty into next week and you shouldn’t underestimate it. It’s a tough, semi-technical journey, especially leaving the canyon when there’s nothing to look forward to but your job and the melted fruit snacks in your car. But on the way in, you’ll be looking forward to one of the most beautiful slot canyons in Utah.

The top-down route is the classic way to get to this classic canyon. This route involves wading, scrambling, slip-sliding, climbing your way down the Left Fork of the North Creek. Expect a long, hard 6–10 hour day with a few rappels, down-climbs and a couple surprisingly chilly swimming sessions. But all work and no play makes Jack/ie a dull climber, so take plenty of time to use all your senses. The reward for all your work: the tubular — in both senses — rock formations that give the hike its name. They’re just a smidge photogenic.

If technical climbing isn’t your bag of gummy worms, you can also start and end your climb at the Left Fork Trailhead, which is about 8.2 miles up the Kolob Terrace Road from Virgin, Utah. This route is not technical and you can still see some waterfalls and the lower Subway formations. It’s still a slog, though, and you’ll be hiking for 5–9 hours, and the scenery is not nearly as great as the top-down route.

Note that you will need a permit as this hike has become so popular that visitors are now limited to 80 per day. You can get a permit from the National Park Service a few months in advance through a lottery process, or cross your fingers for a last-minute drawing two to seven days before you’d like to go.

Burro Wash

  • Location: Capitol Reef National Park, 7.8 miles down Notom-Bullfrog Road
  • Distance: 8 miles
  • Best for: Experienced canyon-country hikers
  • Best time to go: Spring and fall

There are a few slot canyons in Capitol Reef National Park but Burro Wash gets the most action. This canyon requires some skill and, depending on how far you go, can give you an excuse to slide your butt cheeks into a climbing harness.The hike starts with a two-mile trek through an open wash before you get into the canyon. Once you’re there, expect a slot chock-full of chockstones — giant boulders that fell in/conveniently into your path. Bonus: Sometimes you get to approach them from a pool of water. Some of the chockstones in Burro Wash have ways you can bypass them, while others require Spider-Man web-jets (or climbing gear in a pinch). After several of these chockstones, you’ll reach a set of not one, but two of them near the end of the trek. If you can get past these babies, the hike ends soon after at a pour-off about 3.5 miles from the trailhead. Unless you’ve got mad technical skills and a shuttle, this is an out-and-back hike.

At over 1 million acres, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument is one of the largest national monuments in the United States. The majority of the land within the monument is wild, rugged, and much of it is inaccessible except on foot. Ancient cultures inhabited for thousands of years, and extensive ruins and evidence of these thriving civilizations can be found throughout the area. The monument has been in the news recently due to a political decision to reduce its size by 47%, and adventurers who’ve heard this buzz are eager to explore and understand for themselves what this southern Utah treasure is all about.

The area is full of some of the world’s most dramatic geologic features, from thousands of slot canyons cut by the Escalante River, to sandstone arches, natural bridges, and tall, skinny spires peeping throughout the landscape. If you’re planning a trip in the Escalante area, at least a day hike is a must. Below you will find a list of some of the best day hikes in the national monument.

If you have more time, the best way to experience the Grand Staircase-Escalante is to take a backpacking trip (read about our backpacking tips) or take a guided trip with REI to nearby Zion National Park or Bryce Canyon National Park to see those highlights of the region and get a chance to explore the Grand Staircase-Escalante NM.

Slot Canyons Near Monument Valley Of Fire

Favorite Day Hikes in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument

If you only have a day to see a glimpse of this massive monument, make sure you check out one of the hikes included below. After your hike, check out our favorite local coffee shop, Kiva Koffeehouse, for a refreshing frozen lemonade and sweet treat to bring those blood sugar levels back up. 😉

Slot Canyon Monument Valley

Hike to Lower Calf Creek Falls

The trailhead to the Lower Calf Creek Falls hike can be found off of Scenic Byway 12, at the Calf Creek Campground. It is 11 miles south of Boulder, Utah and 15 miles east of the town of Escalante. The trail offers a beautiful hike through a verdant desert oasis with tall multi-colored sandstone walls towering above on either side. If you look closely, you’ll see remnants of ancient cultures painted on the walls. Hiking through this lush canyon, you will understand why the Fremont people lived here for hundreds of years.

For the most part, you will hike along Calf Creek on a very sandy path. Parts of the trail do not follow near the creek and in these sections the trail is very exposed with little shade. Make sure to bring water shoes, sun protection, and plenty of water. The final destination is the cascading 126-foot Lower Calf Creek Falls, perhaps the most beautiful waterfall of Escalante. Be sure to budget time for swimming and cooling down beneath the falls!

  • Distance: 6 miles (out-and-back)
  • Elevation gain/loss: 521 feet
  • How long it takes: 3-4 hours

Hike the Escalante River to the Natural Bridge

A hike along the Escalante River to the Escalante Natural Bridge is a great introductory day hike for getting to know Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. This hike begins at the Escalante River trailhead, just off Scenic Byway 12 and slightly north of the Boynton Overlook. There are multiple river crossings on this hike, so be sure you are prepared to get your feet wet (and then sandy)! You’ll see multiple highlights in just a few miles – first the natural bridge, then petroglyphs, then an arch, and then a cliff dwelling in view on the south side of the river.

Temperatures heat up in the summer, so plan accordingly by starting your hike early, bringing proper sun protection, and plenty of water. Read more about hiking the Escalante River.

  • Distance: 4.4 miles to Escalante Natural Bridge (out-and-back)
  • Elevation gain/loss: 291 feet
  • How long it takes: 2-3 hours

Explore Peek-a-boo and Spooky Slot Canyons

Slot Canyons Near Monument Valley

Are you looking to explore the slot canyons of Grand Staircase-Escalante? Peek-a-boo and Spooky slot canyons will fill you with amazement at the power of water that has formed such incredible, narrow, and textured canyons. These slot canyons are easily accessible off of the Hole-in-the-Rock Road a dirt road that is accessed from Scenic Byway 12 twenty-six miles south of the town of Escalante. This hike is quite popular, partially due its proximity to another famous hike, the dry fork of Coyote Gulch. If you struggle with claustrophobia, Peek-a-boo and Spooky slot canyons may not be the best hike for you. At some points, the canyon shrinks to only 18 inches wide and you often have to walk sideways. It can create a challenging situation if someone is coming from the other direction! If you’ve never explored slot canyons before, read up on these tips for hiking slot canyons in Escalante before you go.

  • Distance: 3.5 miles (lollipop-loop)
  • Elevation gain/loss: 459 feet
  • How long it takes: 2-3 hours

An Escalante Epic: Hike to Coyote Gulch

A “best hikes in Grand Staircase-Escalante” list wouldn’t be complete without Coyote Gulch. You have most likely seen the infamous image on the internet of Stevens Arch, the incredibly immense sandstone structure that stretches above the Escalante Riverbed (if not, it’s pictured below). While well-known, this hike is not for the faint of heart, and those wanting to hike to Coyote Gulch in a day should be prepared for a long day of scrambling, hiking in sand, and through the Escalante River. In fact, we do not recommend doing this hike in just one day. The canyon is best explored when you are able to take your time and spend at least two nights of backpacking along the Escalante River, discovering the many slot canyons, arches, and bridges along the way!

You will need a Coyote Gulch permit if you plan to do a backpacking trip. The access point to begin this hike is located near water tanks on Fortymile Ridge, southwest of the confluence of Coyote Gulch and Escalante Canyon.

  • Distance: 11.5-17 miles roundtrip
  • Elevation gain/loss: 2,775 feet
  • How long it takes: 10-12+ hours

Out-and-Back hike of Willis Creek Slot Canyon


The diversity of geology is incredible in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. Unlike the narrow Spooky slot canyon, Willis Creek is a wide (almost spacious!) slot canyon to explore. The best time of day to hike in this slot canyon is early, when the sun starts to pour into the canyon and bounce light and shadow off the walls. It is also a great hike to find shade on warm summer days but is not recommended during the late summer monsoon season when slot canyons can quickly become dangerous due to flash floods. The trailhead is off Scenic Byway 12 on a dirt road (BLM500) best for 4WD or high clearance vehicles.

  • Distance: 4-5 miles (out-and-back)
  • Elevation gain/loss: 816 feet
  • How long it takes: 1.5-3 hours

The best time to hike in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument is early spring and fall, to enjoy cooler weather and avoid the dangers of flash flood season in late summer.

You do not need to obtain permits to do these day hikes in Grand Staircase. If you are camping or backpacking, you will need overnight permits. Permits are typically free and can be obtained at visitor centers or at developed trailheads.

Find out about REI’s multi-day adventure trips nearby in Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon National Park.